Thursday, March 12, 2009

Bottle to Sippy Cup Transition : The Epilogue

- From the time the baby is introduced soilds, start giving water / juice in a sippy cup. You can lift and hold the cup for the baby to drink, initially.. till they get the hang of it. That way they are not too new to the idea.

- After the first birthday, its the ideal time to start drinking out of a sippy cup. Thats what the doctor said. Its good for their teeth too.

- You have to be strong and go cold turkey for atleast the first 2 days. Its gonna be difficult, but its only for a short while. There will be sleepless nites and lots of crying. But just think of the reward :-)

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  1. Dear Shanthi,
    My son is the same way. He just turned a year old, and he's been drinking both water and juice from a sippy cup for months now with no problem. I just decided to start him on drinking milk from a sippy cup today. So far it hasn't been horrible.... yet. :) I wanted to look online for any advice/tips on how best to transition a baby, I saw a few different sites here and there, but yours was the best advice so far, I think. Thank you for posting a daily journal about how you transitioned you baby.

  2. Your story has really inspired me! My 15 month old is still drinking from a bottle. She does it all day, like she attached to it. We also got in the habit of giving it to her anytime she made a fuss - so wrong!!
    I think I will start the transition today, keeping her am and bedtime bottles a little longer.
    Thanks again! Your post was so helpful!

  3. I attempted to transition my son fm: the bottle to sipee cup this wknd. By day 2 I failed, I wanted to get advice fm: other moms on how to go in and what to expect fm: this transition. Your advice is very helpful, I will begin again this wknd. Thanks for sharing!

    Cayla Martinez 5/18/2011

  4. I just now transitioned my going to be 2yr old son from bottles at night to a sippy cup instead. It was so hard and fusterating hearing my fiances mom complain how hurt he is and he thinks he did something wrong becuase he doesnt have the bottle. NOT TRUE; he is just sad becuase he doesnt have the bottle like he's used to. Anyways, this night was hard, and still a little is. I'm just so worried about the middle of the night... :\ wish me luck!!!
