Ok... I have to be honest here! I did give her the sippy cup back at night after an almost successful attempt taking it off. The reason being - she was sick sometime back and totally gave up on eating. The only time she wanted was Milk at night. So I decided to give it back to her. After she recovered, she continued drinking and the habit came back to her :-)
My daughter is 2 yrs old now.
Couple of weeks ago, I had to start it all over again. This time I did not use the water technique. I just stopped offering the milk @ nite. She usually drinks a Sippy cup full of milk just before going to bed. But whenever she woke up for more milk, I simply patted her back to sleep. I was surprised, she slept alright. When she woke up again ... I did the same thing, gently patted her back to sleep. The next time she woke up was around 7 AM.
This has been working well. So for dinners I try to feed her sometimes if I feel she hasn't eaten enough .. just so that she is not too hungry. She still drinks some milk before sleeping and that I am planning to continue for some more time. Mornings she doesn't drink any milk at all.
So as soon as she gets up she is all cranked up and hungry. She insists to be fed right away. But she is getting used to the idea of brushing her teeth and having break fast.
Now something happened here. My daughter usually sleeps in a crib , beside our bed. During my attempt to make her sleep back...I started sharing either my bed with her or sleeping along with her in the next room. A few days back...she started throwing tantrums when I tried to put her back in her crib and pat her while she sleeps in it. She dislikes the idea of sleeping in the crib now. She is getting better with not drinking milk at night ... but wakes up at her designated times and insists on sleeping with me now and not her crib !! Right now I am still working on that :-)
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